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PM Modi lays foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi lays the foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi lays the foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi lays the foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute

Delhi, 23 February (H.S.): The Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute in Garha village, Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh today.

Remarking that it was his good fortune to be back in Bundelkhand for the second time in a short span, PM Modi said that the spiritual center Bageshwar Dham would soon be a health center too. He added that the Bageshwar Dham Medical and Science Research Institute would be built in an area of 10 acres and a 100 bed facility would be ready in the first phase. He congratulated Dhirendra Shastri for the noble work and extended his greetings to the people of Bundelkhand.

The Prime Minister remarked that these days there was a class of political leaders who ridiculed religion and were involved in separating peopleThe Prime Minister highlighted the persistent attacks on our beliefs, traditions, and temples.

PM Modi underscored their agenda to divide our society and break its unity. In context, he highlighted the efforts of Dhirendra Shastri, who has been raising awareness about the mantra of unity in the country for a long time.

PM Modi announced that Dhirendra Shastri had taken another pledge for the welfare of society and humanity in the form of establishing a cancer institute.

“Our temples, monasteries, and sacred sites have had dual roles as both centers of worship and hubs for scientific and social thought”, said the Prime Minister, remarking that our sages have provided us with the science of Ayurveda and Yoga, which is now globally recognized.

He emphasized the belief that service to others and alleviating their suffering is true religion. He highlighted our tradition of serving all living beings with the sentiments of Nara in Narayan and Shiva in all beings.

Shariramadyam Khalu Dharma Sadhanam, emphasizing that our body and health are the primary means for achieving our religion, happiness, and success.

He remarked on the difficulties faced by villagers when someone is diagnosed with cancer. The Prime Minister noted the fear and confusion that grips families upon hearing the diagnosis of cancer, with many only knowing about treatment centers in Delhi and Mumbai. He emphasized the Government’s efforts to address these challenges, including several announcements in this year’s budget to combat cancer. He added that he was committed to making cancer medications more affordable and announced the opening of cancer daycare centers in every district over the next three years. These centers will provide both diagnostic and respite care services. PM Modi also highlighted the opening of cancer clinics in district hospitals and medical centers in local neighborhoods to ensure easier access to treatment.

Emphasising the importance of being cautious and aware to protect against cancer, the Prime Minister remarked that early detection is crucial, as cancer becomes harder to combat once it spreads.

He underlined the rapid progress in addressing the drinking water crisis. Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, or the Har Ghar Jal Project, piped water is being supplied to villages across Bundelkhand, he added.

Emphasizing the importance of empowering women for the prosperity of Bundelkhand, PM Modi remarked on the introduction of initiatives like Lakhpati Didi and Drone Didi and announced the goal of making 3 crore women Lakhpati Didis.

Concluding the address, the Prime Minister emphasized the relentless efforts of the Governments at Center and state in making Bundelkhand achieve new heights of development.

Hindusthan Samachar / Jun Sarkar

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