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Kerala Advocates Demand Judge’s Apology In Open Court

Kerala Advocates Demand Judge's Apology In Open Court

Thiruvananthapuram, 07 March(HS): Advocates of the Kerala High Court are on a warpath against a judge of the court for rebuking and shouting at a lady lawyer and that too on the eve of International Women’s Day, which falls on 08 March.

Justice Abdul Rahim Musaliyar Badhruddeen reportedly shouted and insulted a lady advocate when the latter pleaded with him for some more time to file a vakalath. The lady advocate was in bereavement as she had lost her husband, who too was an advocate.

According to the Kerala High Court Advocates Association, the behavior of Justice Badhruddeen has brought disrepute to the High Court as well as the memory of the late Alex Scaria, the husband of the lady advocate.

A resolution passed by the Advocates Association stated that Justice Badharudeen acted extremely uncharitably and that such conduct is not only unbecoming of the Bench, but also disrespects the memory of the late Scaria.

On Friday morning, the lawyers gathered en masse in Justice Badharudeen’s court to demand an apology in open court. However, no such apology materialized. The lawyers subsequently boycotted Justice Badharudeen’s court, and the High Court published a notice stating that Justice Badharudeen would not be sitting today.

The whole incident took place while the lady advocates were busy getting ready to observe Women’s Day as Saturday happens to be a closed holiday for the Court.

An office bearer of the advocates’ association said that unless the controversial judge apologized in the open court, the advocates would not attend the court to be presided over by him.

The Advocates Association, in a letter to the Chief Justice on Friday said that this was not the first time Justice Badhruddeen behaved in a manner unbecoming of a judge. They reminded the chief justice that they had written to the latter about another incident involving Justice Badhruddeen.

Hindusthan Samachar / Manohar Yadavatti

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