Home » NATIONAL » Islamic terrorist invited as guest of honour by Reserve Bank of India

Islamic terrorist invited as guest of honour by Reserve Bank of India

Thiruvananthapuram, 14 March(HS): The reach and influence of Jihadi networks in sensitive establishments like Reserve Bank of India came out in the open on International Women’s Day at Kochi. The chief guest for the IWD held at the Regional Office of the RBI at Kochi was none other than K K Shahina, a close associate of Abdul Nassar Ma’dani, founder of the People’s Democratic Party as well as a prime suspect in the 2008 Bangalore Serial Blasts in which one person wqs killed and 20 others were injured.

Shahina, masquerading as a journalist, toured southern Karnataka and threatened witnesses who had told the police that Ma’dani was staying incognito in their villages. She is closely identified with the banned PFI and was seen campaigning against the Indian State in West Asian countries.

“It is shocking to note that a close aide of Ma’dani and who is very close to terrorist organizations was invited as a chief guest to a function organized by a sensitive establishment like RBI,” said Krishna Raj, a Supreme Court lawyer based in Kerala.

The RBI officials bent backwards to appease Shahina’s diktat. She told them bluntly that she would not light the traditional lamp to mark the inauguration of the function. Hence, they threw away the lamp so this woman could have her cake and eat it too.

Shahina has no hesitation in wearing the Islamic badge on her sleeves. While working as a reporter in Asianet, this lady openly displayed her hatred towards Hindus. With the help of the CPI(M), staff members abused those following the Sanatana Dharma.

Hindusthan Samachar / Manohar Yadavatti

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