Jerusalem, March 7 (HS): Israel has rescued 10 Indian workers held hostage from West Bank. These Indian workers were rescued from a village in West Bank, where they were held hostage for about a month after their passports were snatched.
According to the news of ‘Times of Israel’, these workers were rescued in a night operation conducted by the Population and Immigration Authority in collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Ministry of Justice. All the workers have been taken to a safe place.
According to the news, Palestinians took all these people to Al-Jayem village by promising them work and then took them hostage by snatching their passports. Palestinians tried to enter Israel using the passports of Indian citizens. When the Israeli Defence Forces stopped these suspects at a border checkpoint and questioned them, they got a clue that the Indian labourers were being held hostage. It is said that in the last one year, a large number of Indian labourers have reached Israel to work in the construction industry.
Hindusthan Samachar / Jun Sarkar