Jammu, 22 March (H.S.): Minister for Jal Shakti, Javed Ahmad Rana, today said that the Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation (JKSPDC) has made departmental promotions of JKSPDC employees since 2010.
The Minister was replying to a question raised by Muzaffar Iqbal Khan.
He said that the promotions/release of higher grades have been granted to categories, other than Engineering and AGM (Finance), which included Chief Geologist, Company Secretary, Geological Assistants, Technicians, Finance Assistants and Computer Operators.
The Minister said that no category of employees working as computer operators, Junior Assistants, Senior Assistants and Finance Assistants have been ignored in promotions by the Corporation. He said that the agenda for promotion of Finance Assistants to the level of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) was considered in the DPC meeting held on 5th/9th August, 2024, but because of mismatch between the Finance Department rules adopted by the JKSPDC for such promotions and eligibility of the candidates, it was deemed appropriate to seek Board of Directors (BoDs) approval to dispense with the requirement of passing SAC-I and SAC-II exams stipulated in the Finance Department rules for their promotion.
The Minister said that the matter is being placed before the BoDs for appropriate decisions facilitating their promotion.
The Minister said that in case of Computer Operators (currently at Pay level L-4), there is no higher post available in consecutive pay level of L-5 in the sanctioned strength issued by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir vide Government Order No: 56- JK(PDD) of 2023 dated 02.05.2023.
The Minister said that having regard to the fact that the functioning of the Corporation, a distinct corporate entity under Companies law, does not conform to the functioning of a government department and requires different skill sets, job profiles and hierarchical pattern, the Corporation is in the advanced stage of finalizing stage recruitment rules.
These recruitment rules once notified shall provide a clear career progression for all those cadres including computer operators. Promotions for other cadres including Junior Assistants and Senior Assistants, will however, be initiated shortly against vacant promotion quota posts after following relevant recruitment rules currently in vogue i.e. J&K Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules, SRO- 381 of 1981 Dated. 26.08.1981.
The Minister said that as it is evident from this information that no discrimination with non-gazetted employees has ever been made in past nor shall be made in future while as promotions against vacant promotion quota posts of all cadres, where the employees are eligible under relevant Government recruitment rules in vogue, shall be initiated and concluded shortly.
Hindusthan Samachar / Krishan Kumar