Home » Horoscope » Pisces season 2025: Here’s a tarot prediction for each zodiac sign | Astrology

Pisces season 2025: Here’s a tarot prediction for each zodiac sign | Astrology

As the final zodiac season arrives, it will carry the wisdom and intuition of all those who came before. Deeply knowing and perceptive, Pisceans have a rare gift for seeing beyond the surface, straight into the heart of what truly matters.

Tarot reading for Pisces season 2025.
Tarot reading for Pisces season 2025.

Also Read 2 zodiac signs will likely experience positive shifts with the beginning of Pisces season 2025

Ruled by Water and Neptune, the planet of mystery and illusion, every Pisces possesses an innate psychic ability. And during this season, that energy is amplified for everyone. It’s the perfect time to tap into your intuition, explore your spiritual gifts, and trust the unseen forces at play. Let yourself flow with the magic of Pisces season with tarot prediction for each zodiac sign.

Aries – The Fool

Pisces season sparks a deep curiosity in you, drawing you toward the mystical and unseen. The Fool card suggests that a powerful moment, perhaps a dream, a gut feeling, or a strange coincidence, will ignite an interest in your intuitive gifts. This fascination won’t be fleeting; it’s the start of a journey that will shape your perspective all spring long.

Taurus – The Hermit

Your intuition is sharpening. The Hermit card reveals that you’ll start noticing things you were never explicitly told—an unspoken truth, a hidden meaning, an underlying energy. This newfound awareness might feel unsettling at first, but don’t ignore it. Instead, lean into research and self-discovery. The more you learn, the more your instincts will guide you toward deeper understanding.

Gemini – The Moon

Pisces season will feel like a full-blown spiritual awakening for you, Gemini. The Moon card signals an emotional and intuitive shift—you may find yourself more sensitive, deeply connected to the world’s energies, and drawn toward a higher consciousness. Allow yourself to explore this heightened awareness. Logic can take a backseat for now; your heart and soul are in the driver’s seat.

Cancer – Eight of Coins

Your hands hold power. The Eight of Coins suggests that you might discover an ability known as clairtangency, the gift of sensing energies through touch. You may start picking up on the history of objects or sensing their previous owners’ emotions. Experiment with this ability in small, private ways, testing what you feel. This is a talent that could one day serve you well.

Leo – Death

Transformation is knocking at your door, Leo. The Death card isn’t about endings, it’s about profound change. Pisces season urges you to shed what no longer serves you, creating space for something fresh and aligned with your true desires. Once you embrace this cycle, you’ll find yourself radiating magnetic energy, ready to manifest your next big breakthrough.

Virgo – Three of Wands

Luck is on your side! The Three of Wands suggests that Pisces season is activating a streak of good fortune for you. Opportunities will unfold in unexpected ways, so stay open and receptive. Speak your luck into existence, practice gratitude, and watch how the universe responds. If you notice symbols of fire, light, or magic, take them as omens that something wonderful is on its way.

Libra – Page of Coins

Your mind is craving knowledge. The Page of Coins signals that Pisces season is the perfect time to explore the esoteric—astrology, tarot, numerology, or any mystical subject that piques your curiosity. Don’t overthink it; just dive in. What starts as a simple interest could lead to an important discovery about yourself and the universe.

Scorpio – Knight of Cups

Your allure is undeniable, Scorpio, but Pisces season is asking you to channel it intentionally. The Knight of Cups suggests you may feel drawn to attraction magick—whether through affirmations, rituals, or simply opening your heart to deeper connections. If you’ve been feeling guarded, now is the time to soften and allow the right people in.

Your energy is powerful, but it’s time to protect it. The Tower card signals an awareness of how other people’s energy affects you. You might find yourself picking up on jealousy, tension, or negativity more than usual. This season, explore ways to shield yourself—whether through crystals, visualizations, or spiritual practices. A little protection goes a long way.

Capricorn – Knight of Swords

Your words hold influence, Capricorn. The Knight of Swords suggests that during Pisces season, your ability to persuade and lead will be stronger than ever. This isn’t about control—it’s about channeling your natural wisdom and strategy to bring people on board with your vision. Speak with confidence, and you’ll be surprised at how effortlessly things align in your favour.

Aquarius – Five of Coins

Healing is in your hands. The Five of Coins suggests that Pisces season may reveal a hidden gift for emotional or energetic healing. Whether through touch, reiki, aromatherapy, or another practice, your ability to help others will become clear. This is an innate part of who you are—now is the time to develop it further.

Pisces – Seven of Cups

You don’t need a plane ticket to travel. The Seven of Cups suggests that Pisces season will heighten your ability to explore spiritual realms, perhaps through vivid dreams, deep meditation, or astral projection. You are naturally in tune with the unseen, and now, more than ever, you have access to worlds beyond the physical. Trust your visions; they are showing you something important.

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